Friday, December 30, 2011

Grounds equipment Maintenance and Products information

The fix and maintenance of all equipment used in grounds maintenance from edge trimmers to grass mowers, earth tillers to leaf blowers and hedge trimmers to chain saws is a large ongoing part of the business because of the constant wear and tear factors complex with this type of equipment.

Grounds equipment Maintenance and Products information

Much of the smaller equipment used is of the high rev two cycle collection and need fuel and oil blends to enounce lubrication. Some have an auto oil inject feature that takes any guessing out of the equation making them easiest to operate unless of course it happens to malfunction in which case the supervene would be spark plug failure at the least or machine failure at the extreme. Others need oil to be premixed with the fuel at obvious ratios depending on the manufacturers requirements (usually colse to fifty to one but can vary from one machine to another) but also carry drawbacks with improper blending resulting in plug fowling on the high side and machine failure on the low side.

Most larger equipment is of the four cycle machine type utilizing diesel, gasoline and propane as the motor fuel. Four cycle engines commonly have a longer life span as they run at much lower rpm's causing less wear and tear but also have potential issues that call for quarterly maintenance.

Grounds equipment maintenance covers every aspect of the machine, from wheels to wheel bearings, chains to sprockets, blades sharpening to power takeoffs and every attachment you can think of. It also covers the stocking of supplies used in quarterly intervals of grounds equipment maintenance such as grease, oil, belts, spare chains, spark plugs filters and a backup machine or two just in case a parts backlog develops which is always a possibility depending on your favorite equipment brand's popularity or lack there of.

There is one aspect you without fail will want to have in your toolbox of options when it comes to grounds equipment maintenance and that is to have and keep a strong relationship with a few separate equipment rental companies as backup, should you palpate performance problems that would otherwise slow the job and delay progress.

The best course when it comes to equipment maintenance is to stay ahead of problems with a quarterly preventive agenda that includes greasing, changing oil, cleaning air and fuel filtersand retention tires properly inflated. Last but not least is to keep the full, appearance of the equipment clean, there is nothing that speaks louder than neat clean seeing equipment on the job, plus the added advantage in the potential to spot problems and make adjustments before failure occurs.

Grounds equipment Maintenance and Products information

Related : Tankless Hot Water Heaters


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